Composer: TAKA
心が求めてた 永遠の強さを信じる事 恐れずに たたかう事誓った
I vowed to fight the fear I believe I need the strength of the eternal spirit
And continue a normal day today, we know what is not
光の果てに宇宙(ほし)の彼方 儚い願いを奇跡の
Save the life. Light at the end of the space (maintaining) the miracle of hope beyond the儚I Save the life.
永久(とわ)の輝きよ 届け Yeah!!
Forever (forever) we bring sparkle of Yeah!!
欲しがっても掴めない 当たり前に生きても
Even in normal life and wants掴MENAI
誰もがもがいてる 目の前の現実に答えはそこにある
The answer to the reality in front of everyone's struggle is there
Shooting☆ Noticed as it is always one in the light Shooting ☆
胸の奥にもっと 響け!!Yeah!!
響KE more in the back of the chest!! Yeah!!
Wishing☆ Now close to a smile at the end of the light falling star Wishing ☆
裸の心で 叫べ! もっと 叫べ!!Yeah!!!
Bare in mind叫BE!叫BE more!! Yeah!!!
'Cause I found your peace. Yeah!!
'Cause I found your love. Yeah!!
'Cause I found your peace. Yeah!!
'Cause I found your love. Yeah!!